How to lose 10 to 15 kgs in 6 months

We are surprised if someone gets a lot fatter and suddenly loses 10 to 15 kg in six months. This is how Mrs. Nandi showed. The secret of suddenly losing 10-15 kg weight is a matter of great curiosity in the circle of friends. Mrs. Nandi is an ordinary housewife. She talks about the secrets of losing 10 to 15 kg weight in these six months.

lose 10 to 15 kgs in 6 months

Then Mrs. Nandi said that nowadays the first thing in her diet is a special Green Juice. Which is made with spinach, beets, oranges, lemons, mint leaves. Mrs. Nandi said that she sometimes uses lemon in it if necessary. He drinks it every day as a detox juice.

Let's see what benefits you can get if you include this juice in your diet:

Spinach is rich in fiber and iron. So playing it will keep the stomach full. Spinach is especially beneficial for those who suffer from anemia. Vitamin C in oranges and lemons boosts the body's immune system. Helps to flush out accumulated toxins in the body. Bits are also quite beneficial for the body.

lose 10 to 15 kgs in 6 months green juice

With Mrs. Nandi further said, just changing the diet will not work. Exercise must be done. Because, 70-80 percent weight loss in physical exercise. And 30 percent in food. She thinks that lifestyle change is the most important thing to lose weight. From today, however, read on. The secret to staying fit is now in your hands.

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  1. There are specialised diets such as the GAPS Diet, the Spleen Healing Program and the SCD diet that can be recommended only for certain conditions and should not be used if you are not under medical supervision or if you are taking medication.
