Which rice is best for weight loss?

Due to the climate and weather, a lot of people in India eat rice. Because we love to eat rice. But those of us who suffer from recurring problems of excess weight and want to lose weight suffer from mental problems thinking that eating rice will lead to weight gain and avoid eating rice. But brown rice can relieve this mental problem.

Then we need to know what is brown rice and what is white rice?

Brown rice:

brown rice for weight loss

Brown rice is actually broken rice in the old days. In modern society, broken rice is actually called brown rice

White Rice:

which rice is best for weight loss

Whitewash is a variant of brown rice. White rice is obtained only after brown rice is polished by machine. And because white rice is polished, its nutritional value is much lower.

Why are obese people afraid to eat rice!

Many people think that eating rice increases body juice which leads to sleep and which results in weight gain.

obese people

Related Topic: At Home Weight Loss Blog

But various tests have shown that brown rice does not occur.

One of the many nutrients in brown rice is antioxidants. This antioxidant removes toxins from the body and detoxifies the body. This in turn helps to extracts excess fat from the body. H. D. L. Or increases the level of good cholesterol, as a result of which the body loses weight on the other hand increases the body's resistance to disease and keeps the body healthy.

brown rice for weight loss

In addition, brown rice contains a lot of fiber. Eating brown rice eliminates the deficiency of fiber in our body. The Bowel Movement improved. This results in weight loss, increases digestion and eliminates constipation, keeps the body healthy and helps to lose body weight properly.


Now we need to know what is Bowel Movement:

bowel movement

When we eat nay food our digestive system activated automatically. Our digestive system breaking down the food. Absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste products. When we eat some food, the food is broken down in a small pieces in the stomach and digestive juice is added. The liquid food are now going to small intestine and nutrients are absorbed. The water and salt are absorbed in large intestine and the waste products are turn in to stool. The process time to taking food and to stool is called transit time. The average transit time for female is 2 to 4 days and 1 to 9 days for male. All the process is called Bowel Movement.

Brown rice is a high fiber food. Its helps for increasing Bowel Movement. As a result less toxic in your body and its helps for weight loss.

In addition, the presence of selenium in brown rice controls blood sugar levels. Prevents unwanted substances from accumulating in the cell wall. Blood pressure and cholesterol are controlled. This prevents fat from accumulating in the body and helps in weight loss and proper functioning.


So if you really love to eat rice but are afraid to get fat then you can try brown rice. It will nourish and increase your body and you will lose weight.



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