Why post pregnancy workouts are not entertained by new moms

Post  pregnancy means you have entered in to a new life. Now you have a beautiful prince or princes to look after. you are their life line, their world. your whole concentration goes towards them. And their comes the problem. The problem are mixed types. some are emotional, some are physical like as:

After giving birth the new moms are very weak to do any kind of exercises. whether it is a normal delivery or a c section bringing a new life to this earth is not a child's game. Lots of pain, lots of blood loss makes them unable to do any  kind of exercises.

post pregnancy workouts

Their comes a new issue i.e. feeding. a normal baby takes at least 12-14 feeds in entire day. In each feed it takes 1-2 ox of breast milk / formula. A new mom now have an entirely new responsibility on their shoulders FEEDING. so may issues are there to look after such as 

i) Brest milk - sufficient or less? 

ii) Latch issue

iii) A new baby totally new mood and needs.

Problems are countless but no solution at all. She have to deal with cracked nipples, sleepless nights, pains and bleeding etc.

post pregnancy workouts

All time anxiety makes her in depression. Society is so demanding then to her. Myths, Rituals, Family rules and regulation make her life more miserable. You should do this,  do not do that. Why do you did that, off you are a bad mom. Such comments make her nearly mad. No one think that it is a totally new journey for her. No one understand that she also need rest, care, sympathy. She also need to cherish momma ship phase. This super Judgemental society never  helps a mom to be a mom really. So this brings another problem. Postpartum depression.

The term sounds good but the phase is horrible. No body needs me now, I am a machine, my duty towards my family ends here. I am ugly. I am finished.....these lines make the situation more sensitive. New moms started staying lonely. Where there is light their is darkness or A lonely darkness prevails just under the shiny bright flame of a lamp. Where there is light their is darkness or a lonely darkness prevails just under the shiny bright flame of a lamp. The situation is just like that. Each and every family members loves the child. think only about the child. The child gets whole attention. But who thinks about the mom? Is she there for only feeding? Changing diapers? Calming cry? Why? The depression goes dark to darker to darkest. There is no way out. There is no light.

All moms gone thought various pros and cons pre settled by families, friends, relatives, doctors. They are helpless, fragile, depressed, sad. No self time for them. Dry hair, dark circles, shapeless body, sleepless months make them so tired that they can not really think about exercising. There is no motivation at all. They need time, they need good food, they need rest, they need support, some lines that make her feel great, feel proud. Give them some time to cherish this new dreams.

post pregnancy workouts

We all know no exercise is complete without good diet. New moms whole diet is focused on breast milk production. None think about their recovery fast. Skin heals too fast from outside but the scar beneath! takes too long....

So, fer these reasons the post pregnancy workouts are often not entertained by new moms.

Related Topic: How to reduce weight after delivery

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