sour yogurt is very effective for weight loss

Sour yogurt, which is very effective for weight loss.

Sour yogurt is an incredible super food. If you can eat enough yogurt every day, it will help you lose weight and it is very beneficial for your body.

sour yogurt for weight loss

Now we will know what is the benefit of sour yogurt. We will learn more about how to eat sour yogurt and how not to.

1.  You have overeated for some reason, your stomach is heavy and you have gas and heartburn. You eat 100 to 150 grams of sour yogurt. You will see that you are getting relief from gas heartburn. But yes, sour curd should be made at home and sour curd should be made with low fat or zero fat milk. Of course, you should not eat sour yogurt bought from the store.


sour yogurt reduce stomach pain

2.  Sour yogurt contains a lot of calcium. Calcium strengthens bones. If we eat 1 cup of sour yoghurt every day, this one cup of sourdough can meet fifty percent of the amount of calcium our body needs every day. Especially if women are deficient in calcium which causes osteoporosis, arthritis or various bone problems, a cup of sour yogurt every day can make up for this calcium deficiency.


sour yogurt maintain calcium in body

3.  According to a report in the International Journal of Obesity, if we eat sour yogurt every day, it helps us a lot in terms of weight loss. They were examined in a survey and found that all people who are overweight are divided into two teams. For weight loss, the two teams are given the same amount of balanced food. Only one team is given 100 grams of sour curd per day with food, the other team is not given sour curd. Thus it was run for a month. One month later it was found that the team that was given sour yogurt with meals every day had about 70 percent more weight loss and fat than the other team. So it is proven that sour yogurt helps in weight loss.


sour yogurt use for fat burn

How much sour yogurt do we eat every day?

We should eat one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams of sour yoghurt every day with proper diet.

How sour yogurt is bad for us:

  • First of all, don't eat sour yogurt with sugar or any kind of sweet. It is harmful to the body. Because sugar or sweets do not benefit our body. We eat this sweet sugar just for the taste of the mouth. So first you have to eliminate sugar or sweets.
  • Never eat sour yogurt hot. Many people use sour yoghurt to make various curries delicious, so all the beneficial bacteria in sour yoghurt are killed by heating the sour yoghurt. As a result, the quality of sour curd is completely lost.
    bacteria in sour yogurt

  • People who are allergic to milk, there are many people who are allergic to milk or who do not tolerate milk, but they do not eat sour yogurt.
  • There are many people who have stomach ache and diarrhea when they drink milk. They will avoid sour yogurt completely.

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