Can you lose belly fat by sweating ?

First, you need to know what sweat is? 

Substances that are emitted from our body as a result of various physiological functions of the body, the excretory substances that are produced are excreted from the body through sweat. It purifies the body and keeps the body in balance. Sweating works like a thermos regulator.   

lose weight by sweating


1. Then let's talk about a separate but connected field. Gaining from thick to thin or from thin to thick is a special process. For doing it, we have to maintain the three pillars of a balanced diet. 

2. The three main pillars of a balanced diet are eating good and healthy foods, adequate rest and exercise in a scientific manner. It is not possible to get the desired result when not maintaining these three pillars. 

The reason for the elimination or excretion of body sweat during exercise is because of the rapid heart rate and the dynamics of various physiological functions. Yes, it can be said that the sweat that comes out of the body as a result of many body exercises in less time is the waste and water made in the body, not fat.  

Can any relation between sweat and weight loss?

lose weight by sweating

The idea that sweat makes you thin is wrong. Sweating makes your exercise habits daily, making you happy and healthy by secreting endorphins in the brain. Reducing the amount of nitrogen in the body, keeps the body fresh and maintains heat balance in the body. But sweat does not make you thin, it prepares the way to become thin.

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